Lorekeeper Candle's Study

"Hm? I don't remember... you. Are you here to study, too?""I'm-... m-my apologies. It has been quite some time since I've... spoken to anyone other than myself..."

The Candles of The Manor

The Compendium

"Y-...you're sure you'd like to speak with me? I know things- terrible things. I'm... losing my mind, and you may too. Let this be my warning onto you...""..."

"...me? I'm-... fine.""...I would be lying if I said I wasn't lonely, though...""It wasn't always just me and my-... thoughts. There were... others. I-... I can't even remember their faces...""but... I-...""...I can still hear their voices.""I-...""...miss them."


"...I was one of many. Those who gave themselves to the study. We sacrificed who we once were in order to retain the knowledge of those before us.""We... shared a name. Lorekeeper Candle.""We were nothing more than sentient books, really.""...then I came to learn why our predecessors never lasted. I was the only one who knew.""...a book that should have stayed hidden." "...now I'm the only one."

"...the manor doesn't like it when you question it..."

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